Ideal projects for us

Guided by a mission to create quality homes that will remain permanently affordable for generations to come, our project focus is on creating homeownership opportunities primarily through new development and generous gifts of existing single family residences.

New development

New development presents an opportunity to deliver quality homes that are sustainably designed and made with healthy and durable materials. This approach lowers the maintenance costs shouldered by the homeowners, and it enables the most capital efficient approach to creating affordable housing. There are a variety of public funding sources that we can use to develop homes that serve homeowners that make 80% or less of the Median Area Income (AMI).

Land for new development is limited on Whidbey Island, which overall is a good thing because we want to preserve the forests, wetlands, and farms of the island. Our target areas are located where smart development is enabled through the appropriate zoning and serviced by existing utilities.

Existing homes

Through the gift (or non-market based sale) of existing single family homes or multifamily property, HOW can ensure that the property will always contribute towards affordable housing on the island. Gifts, or even partial gifts, can create a real legacy

We see real opportunity to make energy efficient upgrades to properties, and to create partnerships with the farming community through homeownership on farms and homesteads.

If you are interested in ways in which you can create a legacy gift through your real property, please reach out to us. There are significant tax benefits when donating property entirely o

Current Projects

Guided by a mission to create quality homes that will remain permanently affordable for generations to come, our project focus is on creating homeownership opportunities primarily through new development and generous gifts of existing single family residences.

Coles Valley Neighborhood

Coles Valley is a new neighborhood planned on the outskirts of Langley on Whidbey Island. It will be compact and community-centered, with a range of housing options for varying income levels, household sizes, and ages. Plans include over 135 homes on 40 acres, plus a mix of community, workwhope, retail, and service uses. More than half of the land will be preserved as forested open space.

HOW entered the picture as a player to ensure that a significant portion of the project is affordable. We signed a purchase and sale agreement with the landowner to purchase the entire property at entitlement. This means that it will guide the development of the neighborhood with the community in mind.